It’s been a year since our lives were turned upside down. Now we’re in the opening days of a new normal. That means many of us have to find our way back from loneliness, anxiety, perhaps grief and maybe some unwanted pounds.
Of course, everyone’s experience has been unique to their circumstances, as all of us have been touched by the events of the past year in different ways. While it’s brought renewal and growth to some, others have felt the toll of long isolation. A new survey of U.S. adults by the American Psychological Association and The Harris Poll found that 47% of adults have seen their stress rise and 61% experienced undesired weight changes. And overall, Americans are hesitant about the future—regardless of their vaccination status. Nearly half (49%) said they feel uneasy about adjusting to in-person interaction once the pandemic ends, whether they’re vaccinated or not.
But spring is in the air and with the vernal equinox comes a fresh hope. Passover, Easter, the increasing daylight hours and warmer temperatures bring a sense of vibrancy and color to our world—and hope. Nature’s gifts of delicate greens, seeds and plants feed our soul to help us re-balance, cleanse, bring positive change and healing to our emotional selves.
Perhaps the budding season can also help us find a “new normal” on a personal level and re-engage. Read on for my ideas on achieving optimism, rethinking ways to grow and improving yourself even if things may seem like they’re still a bit out of kilter.
To new beginnings!
BijaB |