These three powerful breathing exercises will bring you clarity and focus: sukhasana, anuloma ujjayi & viloma ujjayi, savasana.

Anuloma Ujjayi and Viloma Ujjayi – Breathing with and against the grain

This powerful yoga breathing practice brings clarity and focus to the body and mind. It combines two versions of a similar technique—each includes the regulation of the breath with back of the throat breathing (ujjayi) through the nose, as well as an alternate nostril breathing technique, using a mudra or valve with your fingers.

There are two versions of this yoga practice, both performed in a seated position:

The first version of this breathing practice is Anuloma Ujjayi – which involves regulating your inhalation by breathing from the back of your throat. Then, as you exhale, you bring your right hand up to valve your nostril with your fingers. You will repeat this breathing sequence for a series of breaths.

The next technique included here is Viloma Ujjayi – which involves regulating your exhalation by breathing from the back of your throat. Then, as you inhale, you bring your right hand up to valve alternate nostrils with your fingers. You also repeat this breathing sequence for a series of breaths.

Breathing Techniques for Focus

This distinct yoga practice helps to increase concentration and sharpen your focus. Asymmetrical movements and alternate nostril breathing techniques stimulate and balance the mind and body. This breathing practice uses deep inhalation and exhalation to promote concentration, leaving you calm, focused and alert.

You may wish to practice this 9-minute exercise before work or class; during your lunch break; or before an important meeting.



Benefits: focusing, clarifying, attention-building


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