What is Viniyoga?
Viniyoga is an extremely sophisticated approach to yoga, health and healing. It involves the dynamic interplay of movements, sounds, gestures, breathing exercises and techniques, chanting and meditations. This range of tools are sequentially connected, and applied layer by layer, to create a multi-dimensional Viniyoga practice unique to each individual. This differs greatly from simply performing or learning separate postures in a yoga class.
I’ve been practicing Viniyoga since 1987. Viniyoga therapy—it’s history, methodology and practice—was taught to me by T.K.V. Desikachar and many other teachers, most especially, Gary Kraftsow, founder of the American Viniyoga Institute. This style of yoga has been the heart of my personal practice and a model for my articles, books, and videos.
The Art and Importance of the Viniyoga Sequence
The word “Viniyoga” traditionally refers to the idea of placing the elements of ritual together in a meaningful way, which creates a Viniyoga sequence. In practice, the student, practitioner or teacher places the various tools of yoga together for a particular purpose: low back pain, stress reduction, focusing the mind, sleep or linking with something meaningful that enriches your life. This strategy of layering the elements of yoga in a progressive sequence is an intuitive art, that over time, can be learned, developed and mastered.
Initially, it’s best to receive personalized instruction from a Viniyoga teacher or therapist who can help you put the tools and practices together to meet your varying needs from day to day. But always, the goal is to produce meaningful change and improve the quality of your life.
The yoga videos, practices and tools on this site are an introduction to the integral vision of Viniyoga. Try them out and keep coming back to them again and again; allow yourself to grow in your daily yoga practice. Enjoy your experience, and notice how the understanding of yourself deepens!
For more life-changing yoga practices, follow along with the YogaAway videos.

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